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As a highly experienced Operations Executive with international qualifications in project management and development, Robin Saban has worked as a project manager for international organizations in the Entertainment Industry.

With an impressive track record of more than 15 years of hands-on experience in strategic planning in project and product management, Mr. Saban identifies critical business requirements for organizations whilst dealing with different cultures, and has led diverse teams of professionals to new levels of success in a variety of competitive industries.


With experience in cutting-edge markets and fast-paced environments such as international marketing, pre-selling projects, and PR firms, Mr. Saban identifies potential opportunities for developing innovative and cost-effective solutions and offers strategies for enhancing competitiveness, increasing revenue, and improving customer services.

Mr. Saban has traveled both nationally and internationally to meet with clients to deliver clear company messages for furthering successful business deals.

In addition, Robin Saban is a regular columnist for the South Sudanese newspaper, Juba Monitor.


*Present: Global Ambassador of Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club. The United Kingdom.

* Successfully oversaw the start-up and development of San Fernando Economic Allies with international companies.

* Developed an on-going future business plan in institutional and strategic financing during difficult economic conditions.

* Established official partnerships with high-level industry leaders from Asia and the Far East with partners from the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles CA.

* Present: Ambassador for Peace – Universal Peace Federation Vienna, Austria UPF.

* Present: Board member of Economic Alliances of San Fernando Valley, CA, USA

*Oversaw the strategic management and operations of EASF Global Business Development and Operations in order to provide streamlined operations, and bring more business to San Fernando Valley.

* Business Development Director for Unique Image in Los Angeles CA. to present.

* Interface with partners and large clients to develop and maintain organizational strategies and proposals for increasing technical efficiency and improving profitability.

* Free-lance Project Manager for emerging markets in Africa and the Middle East with Austrian partners.

Member of IAED for the West Africa as well as East Africa.



Discover Political Science/University Louvain-X

Sdg: Ethic in Action / Sustainable development goals academy

Sdg: National Resources for Sustainable Development / Sdg Academy-x

PFMX: Public Financial Management / IMF: international monetary fund

Entrepreneurship in Emerging ECONOMIES / Harvard-X-University of Harvard Online education.

The Project Management for Development Project management institute / Inter American development bank.

Princeton University-X / Making government work in the hard places

EDECO/European Union – European Development of counselors for business and organizations

OSCE/ODIHR E-learning Course for Election Observers.

Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution – ASPR IPT Core Course for Peacebuilders


UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES – Fund Raising for start-up companies

Master of Business Administration. Santa Monica College, Los Angeles, California, USA

Writing and Directing for Independent Film-Making. University of Concordia, Montreal, Canada